Groundbreaking ceremony

I. Overview of Groundbreaking Ceremony

1.1. What is the groundbreaking ceremony?

Groundbreaking Ceremony (also known as Groundbreaking Ceremony) is an important event in the construction process, usually taking place before the start of construction, and is an opportunity for stakeholders to share information about the project with the public. they.

Groundbreaking ceremony of An Thanh Phat complex factory project

Groundbreaking ceremony of An Thanh Phat complex factory project

According to Asian beliefs, the groundbreaking ceremony is also considered a ceremony to perform the ritual of asking for permission of the Tho Cong (or Tho God), to pray for protection and blessing in the construction and construction. With the belief that "Land has Tho Cong, River has Ha Ba" handed down from thousands of generations, the groundbreaking ceremony is considered an indispensable part of the construction process.

1.2. What is the groundbreaking ceremony?

The groundbreaking ceremony is an activity that usually takes place after the groundbreaking ceremony of the project at the construction site. This ceremony marks the official start of the project and acknowledges the consensus of stakeholders in the construction process.

Groundbreaking Ceremony of Xuyen A General Hospital

Groundbreaking Ceremony of Xuyen A General Hospital

During the ground-breaking ceremony, contractors, representatives of the investor, and stakeholders will excavate the ground to start the work. Normally, there will be cultural and entertainment activities to create excitement for contractors and representatives of stakeholders. In addition, holding the ground-breaking ceremony also creates an opportunity to connect, strengthen the consensus between the parties, and introduce the company's brand to the public.

II. The process of organizing a successful ground-breaking ceremony

2.1. Check organization conditions in accordance with the law

Before holding the groundbreaking ceremony for construction, you should carefully check the starting conditions in accordance with the law. Making mistakes can lead to legal troubles, and damage the reputation of the business and the success of the groundbreaking ceremony.

The conditions for organizing the construction groundbreaking ceremony are as follows:

- To carry out the handover of the whole or part of the work according to the construction schedule, it is necessary to have a construction site.

- A construction permit is required for works as prescribed in Article 89 of the Law on Construction 2014.

- There must be construction drawings of the work items, and construction works that have been approved, checked, and confirmed by the investor on the drawings.

- There must be a construction contract signed by the investor and the contractor.

- Capital must be fully allocated according to the construction progress of the work.

- Measures must be taken to ensure safety and protect the environment during construction.

2.2. Apply for an organization license

This process includes the collection and preparation of documents related to the groundbreaking ceremony, such as a guest list, organizational plan, technical drawings of the work, etc. submit to the state management agency to apply for a permit to organize the groundbreaking ceremony. Applying for an organization license is important to ensure the formality and legality of the groundbreaking ceremony, and to ensure public safety and order.

2.3. See your age and choose the right date, time, and venue

  • Choose an event time

In folk belief, choosing the date and time to hold the groundbreaking ceremony is very important. This can bring favorable things, and luck for the business. According to folk beliefs, there are a number of good days to celebrate such as Zodiac Day, Vitality Day, Loc Ma Day, and Spirit Day. And should avoid bad days such as Black Dao Day, Killer Day, Brocade Day, Trung Funeral Day, and Hung Father's Day.

Groundbreaking Ceremony

Groundbreaking Ceremony

  • Age

Age is also an important factor affecting the organization of important ceremonies. If the elderly belong to the year of Kim Lau and Hoang Oc, they should not build a house. In this case, it is necessary to carry out the procedure to borrow age as follows:

- Make a paper to sell the house and plead for the borrower's age.

- The person who is borrowed age must perform the ceremony of worshiping and breaking ground, hoe 5 or 7 symbols in a beautiful direction.

- During the ceremony, the owner's family should avoid going out.

- When the roof is poured, the borrower must also do all the procedures on behalf of the landlord.

- After completing the roof pouring, the homeowner needs to perform the initiation ceremony.

  • Place

Usually, ground-breaking ceremonies are held at the site where the work is under construction. It is advisable to choose locations with a wide view to facilitate taking photos, filming, and preserving images of the ceremony.

2.4. Prepare offerings

In the past, the ground-breaking ceremony was simply held with the offering ceremony including compressed incense, votive paper, salt, rice, and an offering tray, depending on the ability of the owner. However, nowadays, with deep spiritual conceptions, homeowners often prepare a full plate with the hope that their careful preparation will bring a lot of luck and convenience to the construction process. , shop,...

However, whether simple or complicated, it is still necessary to prepare all basic items such as salt, rice, water, and hoe and lay bricks, and if the homeowner forgets the offering, the groundbreaking ceremony will not be possible. can proceed.

The altar for the groundbreaking ceremony

The altar for the groundbreaking ceremony

2.5. Make a plan to do it

From the preparation of utensils and food to activities in the groundbreaking ceremony, it is necessary to plan specifically. This helps to ensure the smoothness and solemnity of the ceremony.

- Make a guest list and determine the number of attendees.

- Plan the program timeline, ideas, and scenarios for the ceremony.

- Conduct surveys, measure and clean the organization area.

- Prepare staff for the ceremony.

- Prepare the five-fruit tray before the groundbreaking ceremony.

- Prepare offerings for the ground-breaking ceremony to build houses, construction works,...

- Design and prepare to print items such as backdrop, standee, and ground-breaking ceremony banner.

- Prepare full equipment for the stage and stands including lights, sound, lighting, podium, tables, and chairs,...

- Prepare necessary tools for the groundbreaking ceremony and start of construction including gloves, helmets, shovels, and sandboxes, ...

- Send invitations to attendees.

2.6. Perform ground-breaking ceremony

The groundbreaking ceremony is a traditional ceremony of the Vietnamese people, considered a sacred festival to pray for luck and peace for the construction project. During the ground-breaking ceremony, the host must perform all the steps of offering betel rice, burning incense, reciting sutras and officially breaking ground to demonstrate respect and respect for the nation's cultural traditions.

Scenarios of the Groundbreaking Ceremony

Date: [Start date]

Time: [Program start time]

Venue: [Celebration Venue]

Welcoming guests

MC welcomes guests to the groundbreaking ceremony

The receptionist guides the guests to register and receive the entrance pass

Opening performance

Lion dance/drum performance with traditional musical instruments opened the groundbreaking ceremony

MC introduced

MC introduces the program, declares the reason and meaning of starting the work at this location

MC introduces and invites delegates and guests to the stage

Statements of representatives of contractors and investors

Representatives of the contractor and investor will speak to introduce information about the project, the construction progress, and the commitment to complete the project on schedule.

Conduct the groundbreaking ceremony

Groundbreaking ceremony with traditional and religious rites at the groundbreaking site

The representative of the investor and the contractor in turn put their hands on the shovel to dig the ground to officially start the work


MC invites guests to have a party and enjoy the food at the party

Guests interact with company representatives, partners, and employees.

(The party can be held in the prepared area or in another location, depending on the conditions and wishes of the business).

End program

A receptionist to see off guests and PG to support gift giving

Dismantling the arrangement of the organization's location


Settlement with related parties

2.7. Reports and reviews

After completing the ceremony, the organizing team will make a report and evaluate the results of the groundbreaking ceremony. The report should include information on the number of guests, budget, results achieved, and areas for improvement in future events.

III. Issues to keep in mind when organizing the ground-breaking ceremony

According to analysis, more than 90% of groundbreaking events have risks. These risks may include weather, climate change, or personnel risks such as MCs, singers, Dragon Lion dance team... coming late, delaying the progress of the program. In particular, when organizing events by yourself, the cost will usually be 30% higher than when hiring professional event organizers. Because businesses will have to hire support units such as sound and light equipment, stage, decoration, and personnel, ... This will lead to a lot of costs incurred.

To avoid the above risks, we need to follow a strict organizational process and build a thorough, professional, and creative event script. In addition, it is advisable to choose experienced and reputable event organizers to ensure the event is carried out smoothly and successfully.

IV. Service of organizing a groundbreaking ceremony of Thien An Media

4.1. The process of organizing the ground-breaking ceremony

Receive customer requests: Receive customer inquiries through various channels such as email, phone or social chatbox.

Consulting and ideation for the event: After receiving the request, we will advise and give ideas in accordance with the wishes of the customer, including both professionally and creatively.

Service quotation for customers: Thien An Media will provide a detailed quote for customers, including the necessary service costs to organize the groundbreaking ceremony - groundbreaking.

Signing service contract and deposit: If the customer agrees with the quote, it will proceed to the contract signing step and then the customer must make the first deposit to ensure the benefits for both parties.

Prepare event personnel and equipment: Thien An Media will prepare necessary event personnel and equipment, ensuring all details are carefully prepared.

Organizing events: Thien An Media conducts the entire event organization according to the plan agreed upon with the customer.

Closing the groundbreaking ceremony, breaking ground: After the groundbreaking ceremony is over, we will carry out the recovery of equipment, liquidation of invoices, and settlement of remaining problems.

4.2. Services of the groundbreaking ceremony

Filming and taking pictures during the ground-breaking ceremony

Filming and taking pictures during the ground-breaking ceremony

- With experience and understanding of ground-breaking ceremony activities, the Thien An Media team will advise and give suitable ideas and scenarios to make the ceremony unique and no longer boring.

- In charge of setting up event space including sound and light equipment, stage, tables, and chairs,...

- Thien An Media will film and take photos so that customers can keep memorable memories of the event.

- Renting receptionist, PG, lion dance team, singer, ... to increase the richness and diversity for the groundbreaking ceremony.

- Thien An Media will have a team to manage and supervise the work to ensure the smoothness and safety of the event.

With a team of experienced event organizers, Thien An Media is committed to providing customers with great experiences, ensuring the success of the groundbreaking ceremony. Please contact Thien An Media for more advice on event organization services.